About Arthur Robinson Jr.

Professional interviewer and creator of Powerfulinterviews.com, Arthur Robinson, Jr. is the embodiment of the classic American “rags to riches” entrepreneur.

A high school dropout from the Philadelphia ’hood, Arthur bounced between jobs in various industries from food to music, from clothing to movie making. Struggling just to make ends meet, Arthur earned his GED at De La Salle In Town in 1989. That same year he became a certified nursing assistant with a nagging sense that life had more to offer.

The typical dearth of options endemic for many young African American men plagued Arthur until after the turn of the century. The pathway to financial success eluded him until 2006 when he noticed people making big money in real estate. In his own quest for knowledge, he found he had a flare for interviewing people succeeding in buying and selling properties. The rest is history.

A voracious reader and gifted net-worker, Arthur has since grown into a successful professional interviewer connecting with powerful business gurus and entrepreneurs from all around the world.

Arthur Robinson, Jr. is the CEO of Powerfulinterviews.com. From this platform he has interviewed powerful business thought leaders from billionaire investor Ziad Abdelnour to Jeff Hoffman billionaire co-founder of Priceline.com to mega mogul publisher Steve Forbes. His “get to the meat” interview style has revealed the empowering secrets of entrepreneurs ranging from founders of leading technology companies to worldwide yacht merchants catering to the whims of the “uber wealthy.”

“My passion in life is helping people become financially free by sharing with them the knowledge of some of the world’s most successful people.”

“As a professional speaker and author I’m driven to share my experiences along with the knowledge that has enabled me to go from being stuck working for other people to operating my own successful businesses.”

Creator of powerfulinterviews.com, Arthur’s mission is to bring information and value to the masses by educating his listeners with powerful audio interviews. These are just some of the top business leaders from all over the world, interviewed by Arthur for his powerfulinterviews.com podcast:

  • Steve Forbes – Editor-in-chief of Forbes Magazine
  • Jeff Hoffman – Co-founder of Priceline.com
  • Ziad Abdelnour – CEO of Black Hawk Partners Inc. Wall Street financier
  • Patrick Bet David – CEO of PHP Agency insurance marketing
  • Naveen Jain – Billionaire, entrepreneur & philanthropist, founder Moon Express, Viome, Bluedot, TalentWise, Intelius and InfoSpace
  • Jay Abraham – The 9.4 Billion Dollar man Founder of the Abraham Group Inc.
  • Fabrizio Poli – Managing partner of Tyrus Wings customized aviation
  • Brandon Steiner – Founder & CEO of Steiner Sports Marketing
  • Wayne Allyn Root – Anchorman & host for FNN now known as CNBC
  • Joyce Rey – Executive director of Coldwell Banker Previews International
  • Harvey Mackay – Bestselling author of “Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive”, Chairman of Mackay Mitchell Envelope Co.
  • Mark Victor Hansen – Motivational speaker & author; founder and co-creator of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series

Listen to Arthur at powerfulinterviews.com. Connect with your passion. Learn the secrets to clearing your pathway to wealth and privilege. Fulfill your destiny.

Arthur thanks God for all his blessings.

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